Arriving late to the blog party, I thought I might try and write about what I'm reading and see where that leads me in my rambles.
It's a glorious, sunny, spring day, here in Seattle and I've just sent an email to my dear friend, Stephanie, who lives in Lincoln. One half of me is always in the UK - part of living half a world away from the place you were born, I think.
Right now, I have on loan from my good friend Jen K "The End of Your Life Book Club", by Will Schwalbe. Jen recommended it to me when we were talking about conversations you have with someone who knows they are dying. Those who know me will know the relevance of this topic.
The author accompanies his mother to her chemo sessions and while they sit, they talk about books. They have their own Book Club for 2, suggesting books to one another and discussing those they have read. Anyone who belongs to a book club knows that when the members gather to talk, their conversations meander far and wide, sometimes the book can be a springboard to so much else and when the book doesn't promote the topics, they arise by themselves from whatever is going on in the lives of the group members. I've been a member of my book group for about ten years and those 5 women have heard so many stories and secrets of my life and supported me through many struggles and shared my joys. I would be adrift without them. As Schwalbe says, "We talked about the books and we talked about our lives." (p 7)
So far I'm only up to chapter 4 and already I'm making a list of books for future reads. I have endless lists of books written on scraps of paper tucked into the back of notebooks and diaries. In addition to lists, I have stacks of books dotted around the house, waiting for me to pick one up and reveal the treasure it holds. When will there ever be the time to read them all?